Skanska v České Republice

Skanska will build another part of the Prague Ring Road

Tisková zpráva 25.06.2008 0:00 CET

A consortium of companies whose member is Skanska has been granted the contract to build the R512 section of the Prague Ring Road in the south-east of the capital city in the length of 8,750 metres. The section is planned to open in April 2010, works will be finished by June 2010. The contract is worth 4.16 billion Czech crowns, Skanska’s share amounts to 23 per cent. The customer is the local road and motorway authority, drawing finance from the State Fund of Transport Infrastructure.

The R512 section starts at a large intersection Vestec, where it connects to the R513 section whose construction lead also by Skanska is currently underway and will be finished by the year 2010. It ends by a flyover connection to the oldest Czech motorway – D1 to Brno and Slovakia. The traffic on D1 motorway will not be interrupted during the construction.

The project comprises 22 bridges and 3 flyover crossings. It tends to minimize the impact on the nearby residential areas and passes mainly through agricultural land. Prague Ring Road is expected to relieve many parts of the capital city and the surrounding villages from transiting traffic and make transportation across the country easier and more effective.

The consortium of companies includes DS Praha (27%, leader), Metrostav (28%), Skanska (23%) and PSVS (22%).

Kontakt: Ondřej Šuch Mgr., Head of External Affairs