The values we build reflect our interest in what is happening around us. We are not indifferent to the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, but also to ordinary citizens who are affected by our activities. In doing so, we use our knowledge, skills, and great teams willing to go beyond their regular duties.
We want to be a good neighbor
We want to be a good neighbor
We create the city with its inhabitants
Each place has its own history, qualities, and uniqueness. It is connected to people who have built a relationship with it. When a new project is built, there are always changes that have a significant impact on the site and the old residents, and our job is to understand and work meaningfully with the relationship of the locals to the part of town being developed. We use the public participation tool to involve the wider community in the early stages of planning. This provides valuable feedback on the character and potential of the site and brings features and services to the project that were previously absent from the area. This will meet the needs not only of new residents but also of old residents and the borough.
The Modřanský cukrovar and Michelské pekárny projects are our first development projects that were created in cooperation with the public. In Modřanský cukrovar we are also involving Czech artists in a competition for functional art elements in the public space Art.cukrovar.
Creating places to relax and meet
We are temporarily opening up the land where the new neighborhood will be built in the future to local people for their social and sporting activities. We have already established the Cukrkandl community center in Modřany with a bike shop, a cyclocross track, a parkour park, community beds and sports fields. Similar facilities will be available to the residents of Prague 9 in the Colben Centre, where further stages of the Emil Kolben district will be built in the future.
„By having the opportunity to work with the public to transform public space in the locations where we build, we are fulfilling our mission to be not just a developer who builds apartments, but one who creates homes."
— Petr Michálek, general director, Skanska Residential —
Volunteering week - "Lend a Hand"
We care about the lives and health of our employees, but also about disadvantaged groups of fellow citizens and those affected by our activities. During the regular volunteering week - "Lend a Hand" - we help in schools, kindergartens, children's homes, and homes for the elderly, we cooperate with city authorities and improve public spaces. A professional form of volunteering is sharing our expertise, for example, in the field of fire safety, occupational health, and safety, or energy, heat, and water management. Each of us can help where it makes sense.
Help for Ukraine
In the spring of 2022, Central European countries were hit by an influx of refugees from embattled Ukraine. Our agile volunteers were involved in the reconstruction of a derelict Prague house and in record time we managed to repair and furnish the entire house with eight housing units. Families with children fleeing Russian aggression found safety here.
The tree of fulfilled wishes
Eleven years ago, our employees themselves devised a way to make Christmas wishes come true for several children from orphanages. Now, hundreds of colleagues in five countries make wishes come true for children who are not fortunate enough to have a kind family, families in social need, abandoned seniors, or young adults who have just left the gates of an orphanage and have stepped out into life.
We can no longer imagine the pre-Christmas time without this charity event, which helps these people to brighten their eyes and put a smile on their face by the Christmas tree.