Within our group, the subsidiary company Skanska Asfalt s.r.o. manages the asphalt branches as well as partner companies where Skanska has a fifty percent share, i.e. Olomoucká obalovna Hněvot��n, s.r.o., Prague asphalt branch Herink, s.r.o., Jihomoravská obalovna, s.r.o. and UNIASFAlt s.r.o. In Slovakia, we are a sole owner of the asphalt branch Veľká Ida. In the Czech Republic and Slovac Republic, we have 15 modern asphalt sets for production of compacted mixtures and cast asphalts. Certified laboratories and control laboratories at all sites ensure the quality and sustainable development as well as the close collaboration with technologists across Skanska worldwide.
Implementation of asphalt technologies is provided through our regional branches.
Responsible approach to environment
Responsible approach to environment is one of the core Skanska values. It is importnant to monitor and quantify the impacts of particular production processes and used materials on the environment and its climate impacts on Earth (carbon footprint). We use the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (LCA). Based on LCA output we may declare an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). Last year, we processed LCA for two types of asphalt mixtures, one with the use of 18 % of asphalt recyclate (R-mat.) and the other without R-material. The EPD for these types of mixtures was successfully certified by the certification authority, the VÚPS Company. We are therefore the first building company in the Czech Republic that has a certified EPD for this kind of product (asphalt mixture) and what is more, it has been quantified that we reduce the carbon footprint by 13 % by producing a mixture with the use of R-material (with 18% share of R-mat).